Tidligere assisterende etterretningssjef i FBI, Kevin Brock, sier historien om at Trump var en russisk agent ikke bare var et skittent trick. Det ble spredd på en så systematisk måte at det forgiftet det politiske klimaet. Og alt var løgn.

«This is more than just political dirty tricks,» retired Assistant Director for Intelligence Kevin Brock told the «Just the News, Not Noise» television show Wednesday. «Political dirty tricks usually have some foundation in truth. But they just made stuff up.»

Spesialetterforsker John Durham er ved å plukke konspirasjonen fra hverandre. Selv blant Hillarys egne gravemedarbeidere var det journalister som fant historien utroverdig. Det samme gjorde en journalist.

Durham has exposed recent evidence showing the Clinton campaign’s own researchers were skeptical of the allegation, which one described as a «red herring.» The underlying data permitted no more than an «inference» at best, according to another. Last week, prosecutors unveiled an email showing a journalist had told the campaign research team weeks before it approached the FBI that one of the Trump-Russia allegations was «bullshit.»

Det som gjør avsløringene politisk relevante er opprettelsen av et kontor under Department of Homeland Security som skal bekjempe desinformasjon. Toppene i Biden-regimet – Jake Sullivan, Avril Haines, Tony Blinken, var de som spredte Russia collusion-storyen.

«This is the way disinformation is really exposed, not by some contrived government agency, but by evidence presented in court that gets at the truth of what happened,» Brock said of the prosecutor’s recent evidentiary filings in court. «What Durham is methodically doing, is laying out a case that the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democrat Party used contrived disinformation in a conspiracy, in a conspiratorial way, to deceive the American voter ahead of the election.»

Den kampanjen var rettet mot til syvende og sist var velgerne, og de ble manipulert og bedratt. Det er til syvende og sist det mest alvorlige.


Ex-FBI intel chief: Clinton campaign used ‘contrived disinformation’ to deceive voters in 2016

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