Tidligere leder av den franske etterretningstjenesten DGSE fra 2003 til 2008, Pierre Brochand, sier i et intervju med Le Figaro at Frankrike må stanse massemigrasjonen eller risikere borgerkrig. Han er ikke den første etterretningssjefen som kommer med dystre advarsler.

“All ‘multicultural’ societies are doomed to more or less deep rifts,” explains Brochand, who was one of the longest-serving directors of the DGSE, an agency he headed for six years and which is the French equivalent of the American CIA and the British MI6. “In such a situation, it happens that minorities are violent winners, and majorities placid losers.”

Brochand har en variert bakgrunn. Han har vært ambassadør i Ungarn og Israel, begge frontlinjestater.

Intervjuet i Le Figaro sto 24. mars, på bakgrunn av vedvarende opptøyer i forsteder til Paris. Det utkjempes rene gatekamper mellom «de unge» og politiet. Brochand ga en tilsvarende advarsel i juli 2019.

His interview for Le Figaro was published on March 24 in the context of a new conflagration in the French ethnic suburbs, particularly in Paris and Lyon. For the last two weeks, the cities of Sevran and Aulnay-sous-Bois in the suburbs of Paris have been the scenes of true urban guerrilla warfare, and similar scenes have been seen in Villeurbanne and Vénissieux, in the suburbs of Lyon. Each time, it is incidents between police officers trying to enforce the law and violent multi-recidivist criminals that were the initial cause of riots, shootings, and arson, as well as ambushes set up against the police squads called in as reinforcements.

Brochand ser håp i Éric Zemmour, som han håper vil presse Marine Le Pen. Ingen kandidat har trukket så mange til massemøter som Zemmour: flere titusener på Trocadero-plassen.

Franskmenn er grepet av en passivitet. Hvis Macron gjenvelges, vil Frankrike fortsette på en kurs som peker mot borgerkrig. Man har tillatt en innvandring som er uten sidestykke, en historisk anomali, men nekter å innse det.

“For my part,” Brochand insists, “I hold the type of immigration, which we have been experiencing for half a century, to be an event ‘out of category,’ without precedent in our history. And, quite honestly, I confess that I do not understand how free and enlightened minds can still underestimate its seriousness.”

Han sier de unge er grepet av post-kolonial hevnlyst, og woke-kulturen stimulerer en slik reaksjon og hamrer skyldfølelsen enda dypere inn hos vertslandet. De yngre generasjonene er enda dårligere integrert enn sine foreldre.

And yet, he explains, in order to see the seriousness of it “one just needs to enumerate coldly its characteristics” and look at “the impact of what is happening to us:” The massive immigration flows, the type of immigration, with mostly migrant settlers, the “absence of political and economic regulation,” the fact immigrants are mostly from outside Europe and in large part Muslims, their “spirit of post-colonial revenge,” their “reluctance to mix” with the French, their “preference for endogamy,” their “crystallization in diasporas,” their fertility rate, which is higher than that of the French, and above all their “non-convergent evolution over generations,” i.e. the fact that younger generations born of immigrants are “even less integrated with French society than their parents.”

Myndighetene har tillatt at det dannes enklaver som ikke er underlagt fransk lov. Slike forhold er det i alle vest-europeiske land, men politikerne snur seg vekk. De har overlatt territoriene til fremmede; fremmed kultur og fremmed lov. Det er ikke vanskelig å se hva det fører til.

“Is it too late?” the Figaro interviewer asked him. Brochand’s answer was: “In any case, it is very late. Let us face it: We are no longer dealing with dispersed individuals, that is to say, so many ‘special cases,’ each in search of a better future, but with diasporas.” Now, explains the former DGSE director, “a diaspora is an entity, formed by immigrants and their descendants — including, crucially, French nationals — who are grouped together and whose numbers reach a critical mass sufficient for social pressure to encourage the perpetuation of the beliefs and ways of life of the countries of origin, with which relations remain tense. This way, more or less closed foreign enclaves are spontaneously formed that turn their backs on the host country and its customs.”

Brochand klarer ikke spille optimist. Han ser en apokalypse foran oss. Det er en tung arv å overlate til etterkommerne.

“While I refuse to give up hope, I do not have too much illusion either about the possibility of the authorities regaining control over immigration flows. When we see that the program of the incumbent president, who is running for his re-election, continues to superbly ignore the subject, one cannot but reflect on how much history can be inescapable and irreversible, even when it leads us straight to the greatest misfortunes. (…) All my accumulated experiences make me foresee a dark, and even very dark, future for our children and grandchildren. At best, they are heading toward an unsuspected collapse of their quality of life (an implosion); at worst, we are leading them to terrible confrontations (an explosion). Most likely, there will be a combination of the two amid growing confusion.”

Da Kent Andersen skrev en tilsvarende sak i Document, Der loven ikke opprettholdes ble SVs Kirsti Bergstø så provosert at hun tok den opp i Spørretimen. De vil skyte budbringeren.

France’s former intelligence chief warns against possible civil war due to mass immigration 


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