
Kanaltrafikken er i ferd med å vokse britene helt over hodet, og de virker hjelpeløse. Franske krigsskip eskorterer båtene, men britene tør ikke bruke makt. Helt til dét skjer, vil trafikken fortsette – og bare øke.

Det er hva det ser ut til: en invasjon.

Som om ikke dét er nok: Myndighetene betaler for oppholdet til dem som kommer.

Politiet står klar og venter på dem og lar migrantene stanse og ta selfier på stranden. Onsdag kom 482.

And yesterday a beachgoer filmed a boat of migrants pull up right next to Dungeness Power Station said that police were already waiting to collect them but allowed the group to pose for smartphone selfies on the pebbles.

The dramatic footage showed young children among the group of around 30 migrants who had made most of the treacherous crossing from France in a large blow-up boat before being rescued by the RNLI, which helped to bring them ashore.

The witness said: ‘I was fishing with a friend and around 11am I spotted a red pontoon approaching the shore. The pontoon was full of people and it was definitely overloaded.

‘The police were already waiting for them at the beach. When they got to the beach they kept very calm and walked away with the police officers. I guess there were around 20 people, maybe more, of different ages. I saw small kids, teenagers and lots of adults. Some of them were even taking photos of themselves when they landed’.

Hva gjør innenriksminister Priti Patel? Hun øker betalingen til Frankrike for at de skal gjøre mer.

Priti Patel has agreed to give France another £54million to stop the growing number of migrants crossing the Channel.

The Home Secretary’s controversial agreement with French interior minister Gerald Darmanin will see policing numbers along the French coast more than double to 200 to cover a wider area.


DOZENS of migrants on an over-loaded dinghy are caught on video streaming into Kent as a record 482 cross the channel in one day – bringing the total to 10,222 this year


Kjøp «Et vaklende Europa» av Carl Schiøtz Wibye her!



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