Den israelske hæren IDF avslører nå at invasjonsvarslet som glapp ut sent torsdag, og som AFP fikk bekreftet, ikke var en kommunikasjonsglipp, men et triks for å lure Hamas til å tro at en bakkeinvasjon var på gang. Alle Hamas-krigere styrtet ned i tunnelene, hvor israelske fly «fant» dem. Ingen vet hvor mange som ble drept, heller ikke Hamas.

In its 40-minute assault on Hamas’s tunnel network in Gaza overnight Thursday-Friday, Israel destroyed miles of tunnels and killed what it believes to be dozens of Hamas fighters in what it hopes will be a decisive phase of the current conflict, Israeli TV reports say.

The assault was prefaced by a deliberate ruse in which the IDF indicated it was opening a ground offensive — prompting Hamas to send its fighters, including commanders, into the tunnels, Channel 12 says. When the IAF bombed them, “the tunnels collapsed on those inside.”

Some 160 Israel Air Force planes targeted the tunnels, a network extending through tens of miles in northern Gaza and around Gaza City. A total of 450 bombs were dropped, with a combined load of 80 tons of explosives, the TV report says.

“It is not clear” how many Hamas operatives were killed, the report says; “Hamas itself may not yet know.” It says many Hamas commanders are believed to have been in the tunnels.

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