Sjef for Parler, John Matze.  (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

Et internettselskap i Russland hjelper Parler med å komme tilbake på nett. Tidligere har Edvard Snowden flyktet til Russland og USA vil slå kloa i Julian Assange. USAs forhold til ytringsfrihet begynner å bli frynsete.

It was discovered that Parler retained the services of DDoS-Guard, which offers protection against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, provides hosting services, and more. Jeffrey Wernick, Parler’s chief operating officer, told the New York Times that DDoS-Guard supports only a temporary webpage, adding that the firm would attempt to find other companies to operate its entire social media network, which as of Wednesday, isn’t back online.

Det er uklart hvor omfangsrike tjenester det russiske selskapet yter.

DDoS-Guard, meanwhile, confirmed to The Epoch Times on Wednesday morning that it began servicing Parler on the night of Jan. 17, adding that Parler “does not use the hosting service” provided by DDoS-Guard. Some speculated that Parler was not only using its DDoS protection service but also its hosting platform.

Advokaten til Parler sier at Big Tech i USA har fratatt Parler alle muligheter til å overleve. Det er derfor tvunget til å søke hjelp der det kan.

CEO for Parler, John Matze, var gjest hos Mark Levin søndag og Levin sa at aksjonen mot Parler er sammenfallende med angrepet på Trump.

“Those who continue to lie about the president by accusing him of igniting or being part of a violent insurrection, supported his impeachment, and now intend to pursue him in a bogus trial once he’s out of office, will be judged harshly by history,” Levin’s update said. “And the ideological and political purge now underway, striking at virtually all of the fundamental principles upon which this nation was founded, will be condemned as mob rule run amok. I just hope our republic can withstand this onslaught until sensible people and possible statesmen step forward and stem this tyranny.”


Russian Company Confirms Its Providing Services to Parler as Website Issues New Update

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