Trump presiderte tirsdag over en seremoni i Det hvite hus der representanter for Emiratene, Bahrain og Israel undertegnet en historisk fredsavtale.

“We’re here this afternoon to change the course of history. After decades of division and conflict we mark the dawn of a new Middle East,» he said at the ceremony in the South Lawn of the White House.

Avtalen innebærer opprettelsen av diplomatiske forbindelser, handel, turisme og anledning til å besøke islams hellige steder i Israel.

The deals between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, and Israel and Bahrain, involve the exchanging of ambassadors, establishment of embassies and co-operation on a range of fronts — including trade, security and tourism. The agreements, known as the «Abraham Accords» also allow Muslims to visit Islamic holy sites in Israel. Trump said the deals would form «the foundation for a comprehensive peace across the entire region.»

Trump sa det er fem–seks andre land de forhandler med om å følge i Bahrain og Emiratenes fotspor.

Earlier in the Oval Office, Trump said «we’re very far down the road with about five additional countries.» He declined to name the countries he is speaking with and later said it could be «five or six» other countries.

Netanyahu sa at Israel har ventet på dette øyeblikket:

«This day is a pivot of history, it heralds a new dawn of peace,» Netanyahu said. «For thousands of years the Jewish people have prayed for peace, for decades the Jewish state has prayed for peace, and this is why today we are filled with such profound gratitude.»

Trump declares ‘dawn of a new Middle East’ as he presides over signing of historic deals 

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