Googles sjef, Sundar Pichai. 

1.600 Google-ansatte har skrevet brev til ledelsen der de ber om å avslutte alt samarbeid med politiet. De vil også at politiet skal nektes å bruke Googles mange plattformer, som Gmail.

Med et så hysterisk forhold til fortiden er det ikke rart at Google driver politisk sensur.

«Americans are grappling with the historical legacies of slavery and genocide that the country is built on, and have begun to identify the role of the police forces in maintaining a fundamentally white supremacist system. The demand to defund the police has been raised in city after city, as the first step in ending that system permanently,» the petition states, per Gizmodo.

De ansatte synes ikke å ha noen betenkeligheter med at de ber selskapet blande politikk og forretninger, sogar med landets politi.

Med Googles dominerende stilling i markedet ville en boikott få store konsevenser. Her aner man kanskje noe av den holdningen som gjorde at Apple nektet å hjelpe FBI med å låse opp Iphonen til terroristen på Pensacola-basen i Florida.

«We’re disappointed to know that Google is still selling to police forces, and advertises its connection with police forces as somehow progressive, and seeks more expansive sales rather than severing ties with police and joining the millions who want to defang and defund these institutions,» the latest letter states. «Why help the institutions responsible for the knee on George Floyd’s neck to be more effective organizationally?»

Men Google er ikke det eneste tech-selskapet med et fiendtlig forhold til politiet. Amazon har nektet å samarbeide med politiet om ansiktsgjenkjenning.

Amazon recently imposed a one-year ban on selling its facial recognition technology to police, but it had previously worked with hundreds of departments across the country.

Ikke betaler selskapene skatt, og ikke vil de hjelpe myndighetene. De skaffer arbeidsplasser, men ønsker masseimmgrasjon for å holde lønningene nede.

Google har lovet millioner av dollar til Black Lives Matter.

As the Black Lives Matter protests have continued, Google pledged millions of dollars to racial justice organizations in the wake of widespread demonstrations against police brutality and racism. But in the petition, its employees are calling for more sweeping changes.

Det er et aggressivt, fanatisk språk i brevet som leder tankene hen på fanatiske maoister på 60- og 70-tallet.

«The racist legacy of police across the United States goes all the way back to its roots, when police forces emerged to protect the wealth gotten from slavery and genocide,» the petition states. «We have a long way to go to address the full legacy of racism but to begin with — we should not be in the business of profiting from racist policing.»

More than 1,600 Google employees call on company to end all police contracts, kick cops off of Gmail




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