Vladimir Putin. Foto:Sputnik/Alexei Nikolsky/Reuters/Scanpix

Den russiske nasjonalforsamlingen, Dumaen, vedtok tirsdag et forslag som nullstiller Putins presidenttid, slik at han kan stille igjen i 2024 og i teorien bli sittende til 2036.

Putin har sittet med makten siden 1999.


President Vladimir Putin opened the door to remaining in his role after his term ends, a move that could eventually prolong the Kremlin leader’s two-decade grip on power until 2036.

The Russian parliament on Tuesday adopted a proposal that would reset Mr. Putin’s presidential term count, allowing him to run again in 2024, when he is required by constitution to stand down after his second sequential presidential term ends.

I januar varslet Putin grunnlovsforandringer og det ble tolket som at Putin forberedte Russland på en fremtid hvor han hadde gått av. Hans termin utløper i 2024.

Men så er det det motsatte som skjer.

Tuesday’s move was the latest step in a carefully choreographed process that began in January and has involved a change of government and Russia’s biggest constitutional overhaul since the end of the Soviet Union.

Russland har hatt nok revolusjoner, sier Putin.

“Russia has had enough revolutions,” Mr. Putin said. “The president is the guarantor of the constitution, and to say more simply, the guarantor of the security of our state, its internal stability and internal, evolutionary development.”

Hvis Putin blir sittende til 2036 vil han være 83 år.

“Putin is convincing himself that he is irreplaceable,” Konstantin Gaaze, a Moscow-based political analyst. said. “So he re-established himself as a personal guarantor of the elite’s future.”

Forslagene skal legges frem til folkeavstemning 22. april.

Putin Backs Proposal Paving Way for New Presidential Term
Russian parliament adopts a proposal that would reset Putin’s presidential term count

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