Før var det vanlig at russere hoppet av til Vesten. Nå skjer det andre veien. Tara Reade arbeidet for senator Joe Biden på 1990-tallet. Under valgkampen i 2020 sto hun frem og anklaget ham for seksuelle overgrep. Hun sa nylig at hvis hun ble funnet død, ville det ikke være selvmord. Nå har hun hoppet av til Moskva.

Reade made her defection known in an interview with the pro-Vladimir Putin outlet Sputnik during a press conference.

“I’m still kind of in a daze a bit but I feel very good,” Reade said. “I feel very surrounded by protection and safety.”

According to The Guardian, Tara Reade was joined by Maria Butina, “a convicted Russian agent jailed in the US but now a member of parliament in Russia.”

Reade sa hun tok beslutningen om å hoppe av etter nøye overveielse. Hun så for seg at hun enten ville havne i fengsel eller bli tatt av dage.

During her press conference, Reade said that she appreciated Maria and others who gave her protection, implying that her life would be in danger had she stayed in the United States.

I just really so appreciate Maria and everyone who’s been giving me [protection] at a time when it’s been very difficult to know if I’m safe or not,” she said. “I just didn’t want to walk home and walk into a cage or be killed, which is basically my two choices.”

Reade told Sputnik that her decision to defect to Russia came with much consideration, asserting she did not take it lightly.

“I’m not an impulsive person. I really take my time and sort of analyze data points,” she said. “And from what I could see based on the cases and based on what was happening and sort of the push for them to not want me to testify, I felt that while [the 2024] election is gearing up and there’s so much at stake, I’m almost better off here and just being safe. My dream is to live in both places, but it may be that I only live in this place and that’s OK.”

Den mest kjente amerikanske avhopperen er Edward Snowden. Han befant seg i Hongkong da State Department blokkerte alle andre fluktmuligheter for ham og han ble tvunget til å velge Moskva. Snowden ble nylig russisk statsborger, av nødvendighet, for å kunne reise.




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