We met Dr. Stephan Becker in Vienna in September, where we sat down with him for an interview.

Dr. Becker, MD, is a practician surgeon at his own privately held institute in Vienna, Austria and Head Spine Medisport Center / Holistic Medical Center Mallorca. Medical studies at UCL / Brussels, McGill / Montreal, University Saarland and University Heidelberg.

He has treated many Covid-19 patients and patients with adverse effects from the Covid-19 injections.

Besides having received various awards by international societies and universities for developing new game-changing treatments and approaches, he was over more than ten years specialist surgical advisor at Exterapartners, a premier life science strategic partnering and product commercialization firm from Cambridge / USA with a biopharma and medtech sectoral focus. He is a committee member of the World Council for Health committee for Health and Humanity with the aim of providing a better health care worldwide.

Welcome to an interview with Dr. Stephan Becker.

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