Politifolk på jobb i Seattle, under opptøyer i regi av Black Lives Matter etter at George Floyd døde. Nå sier politiet opp stillingene sine. I mellomtiden blir de nektet servering på enkalte av byens butikker og kaféer. Foto: Jason Redmond / AFP/ NTB

Flere politifolk i Seattle opplever at de nektses betjening i byens butikker. At dette skjer i butikker som snakker om «inkludering» og «samhold» gjør saken mer pikant.

Seattle chocolate shop said it was working to create a more «inviting, inclusive and cohesive community» after reports of an employee allegedly refusing to serve a pair of police officers.

Mike Solan, president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, told Fox News that an officer and officer trainee walked into a Chocolati Cafes store in the Wallingford neighborhood when they were refused service.

«They were met with a bit of hostility,» he said. «But based upon the amount of pushback that company has received from the public and across the nation is that people are still really supportive of the police.»

Butikken Chocolati er utad veldig opptatt av inkludering og samhold. På sin Facebook-side skriver de følgende:

We have recently become aware of an incident that occurred with a team member and an officer of the Seattle Police Department who was refused service.Although we do respect this team member’s freedom of speech, the actions in this instance do not represent our views as a company.

We are actively working directly with this team member and the local precinct to create a more inviting, inclusive and cohesive community for all.

Discrimination is not a practice that we believe will heal the divide within our city, and we are committed to being a safe and welcoming place for every one of our neighbors.

Flere andre representanter for Seattle-politiet har meldt fra om at butikkens ansatte også tidligere har vist avsky for politifolk.

Samtidig er Seattle-politiet kritisk underbemannet, siden mer enn 200 offiserer har sagt opp jobben siden starten av 2020.

Fox News

Over 200 politifolk i Seattle sluttet i løpet av et år

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