Antall anti-kristne angrep i Vest-Europa har steget med 285 prosent siden 2008, ifølge Ellen Fantini, leder av Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe (OIDACE). Det er særlig Frankrike som er utsatt.

The number of officially recorded anti-Christian incidents in Europe has risen by 285 percent between 2008 and 2019, according to Ellen Fantini, director of the Vienna-based Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe (OIDACE).

I Frankrike skjer det tre angrep på kirker og kristne steder hver eneste dag.

The greatest number of acts of violence against Christian sites occurred in France, where churches, schools, cemeteries, and monuments “are being vandalized, desecrated, and burned at an average rate of three per day,” according to reports.

According to Wednesday’s CNA report, the French Interior Ministry registered 996 anti-Christian acts in 2019 — an average of nearly three per day — while noting that the true figure may be higher, since officials do not count fires of undetermined cause at churches across the country.

Last month, arsonists set fire to the Saint-Pierre cathedral in Rennes but were thwarted by firefighters who arrived in time to put out the blaze before serious damage was done. The 15th-century Nantes cathedral was not so fortunate, suffering substantial damage after it was set afire last week.

Men i Tyskland er en lignende utvikling på gang, samme gjelder flere andre vesteuropeiske land.

Det er ikke bare bygninger, også kristne blir angrepet for deres tro og endog drept.

In its 2019 report, OIDACE chronicled the increase in Christian persecution throughout Europe, pointing to “a rise in the number of churches, Christian symbols, and cemeteries across Europe being vandalized, desecrated, and burned, compared to previous years.”

Moreover, the report states, across Europe, “Christians have been fired, sued, and even arrested for exercising their freedom of expression or conscience.”

“As we have noted in the past, Christians in Europe are not simply experiencing social discrimination, prejudice, or restrictions on freedom. Christians, including clergy, have been attacked or killed for their faith. As in previous years we have continued to see threats and attacks against Christian converts from Islam,” the report stated.

The 64-page report offered summary descriptions of more than 325 cases of intolerance and discrimination against Christians in Europe for the year 2018.

Utviklingen har gått med rekordfart. Da kristne ble drept og fordrevet fra Midtøsten, var det flere som advarte om at forfølgelsene kom til å komme til Vest-Europa. Nå skjer det. Men kirkene er merkelig stille.

Germany is not far behind, however, with attacks against Christian churches happening at an average rate of two per day. Meanwhile, attacks on Christian churches and symbols regularly occurred in 2019 in Belgium, the UK, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, and Spain as well

Det står sjelden eller aldri om disse angrepene i mediene. Hvis dette hadde gjaldt moskeer ville oppmerksomheten vært en helt annen.


Report: Anti-Christian Attacks in Europe Rose 285 Percent Since 2008

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