Byen Columbus i Ohio vil fjerne statuen av Columbus for å styrke mangfold og integritet. -Vi vil ikke lenger leve i skyggen av vår stygge fortid, sier borgermester Andrew J.  Ginther (D).

Det fjernes statuer over en lav sko i USA for tiden, men at byen som er oppkalt etter mannen som oppdaget Amerika, fjerner staten av ham, er en nyhetsstory.

“For many people in our community, the statue represents patriarchy, oppression and divisiveness. That does not represent our great city, and we will no longer live in the shadow of our ugly past,” Mayor Andrew J. Ginther said. “Now is the right time to replace this statue with artwork that demonstrates our enduring fight to end racism and celebrate the themes of diversity and inclusion.”

He said the statue’s removal will take away “one more barrier to meaningful and lasting change to end systemic racism.”

Ginther er Demokrat.

Statuen var en gave fra den italienske byen Genova, som er Columbus hjemby.

Den italienske klubben i byen er misfornøyd med inkluderingen og sier den ikke omfattet dem. De er ikke tatt med på råd og finner de høytflyvende ordene for ironiske.

The Columbus Piave Club, however, said it found the sentiments of diversity and inclusion “ironic,” saying the club, which celebrates Italian heritage, had been “COMPLETELY locked out” of the conversation surrounding the statue’s removal.

«We as an Italian Community (Columbus Italian Club and Abruzzi Club included) have been COMPLETELY locked out of this conversation and completely ignored considering we facilitated the statue’s acquisition, delivery, and dedication in 1955,” the club said in a statement. “Furthermore, considering that we celebrate the anniversary of its unveiling every year on the site since 1955 and are not even given the courtesy of a mention in the press release of its removal.”

The statement said the club had contributed thousands of dollars for the statue’s upkeep over the years but were “denied the dignity of inclusion in its demise.”

“From an administration that preaches inclusion and diversity, we as a community find this extremely ironic,» the statement said.

Noen hadde skrevet voldtektsmann med spray over statuen onsdag.

Columbus har nok ikke lenge igjen på sokkel i Columbus.

Hvor lenge går det før byen skifter navn?


Columbus, Ohio, to remove Christopher Columbus statue 


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