En IS-kriger veiver med IS-flagg og våpen på en gate i Mosul i 2014. (foto: Reuters/Stringer)
Interpol mistenker at 173 IS-krigere er opplært til å bombe Europa som hevn for militære nederlag i Midtøsten.
Listen med de 173 navnene skal være utformet for å sjekke om europeiske etterretningstjenester har detaljer om de navngitte IS-krigerne, skriver The Guardian.
The global crime fighting agency’s list was drawn up by US intelligence from information captured during the assault on Isis territories in Syria and Iraq.
European counter-terror networks are concerned that as the Isis “caliphate” collapses, there is an increasing risk of determined suicide bombers seeking to come to Europe, probably operating alone.
There is no evidence that any of the people on the list, whose names the Guardian has obtained, have yet entered Europe, but the Interpol circulation, designed to see if EU intelligence sources have any details on the individuals, underlines the scale of the challenge facing Europe.
Listen ble sendt ut i slutten av mai i år, og tar for seg en gruppe av IS-krigere som «kan ha blitt opplært til å bygge og plassere improviserte eksplosive enheter for å forårsake alvorlige dødsfall og skader».
The list, sent out by the general secretariat of Interpol on 27 May, defines the group of fighters as individuals that “may have been trained to build and position improvised explosive devices in order to cause serious deaths and injuries. It is believed that they can travel internationally, to participate in terrorist activities.”
The data was originally collected by the US intelligence “through trusted channels”. The material was handed over to the FBI, which transmitted the list to Interpol for global sharing.
Listen skal ha blitt laget ved hjelp av informasjon amerikansk etterretning har innhentet etter angrep på IS-områder i Syria og Irak.
Detaljert informasjon om IS-krigerne, som navn og bilde, når de ble rekruttert, deres siste tilgjengelige adresse, hvilken moské de har gått i når de ikke har vært på slagmarken samt deres mors navn, er inkludert i listen.
A note appended to the Interpol list circulated in Italy explains how the terrorist database was constructed, putting together the pieces of the puzzle from hundreds of elements, mainly gathered when Isis local headquarters were captured.
“The people,” the note says, “have been identified through materials found in the hiding places of Isil, the Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant.” The note adds that “it emerges that those subjects may have manifested willingness to commit a suicidal attack or martyrdom to support Islam”.
The list shows the suspects’ names, the date Isis recruited them, their last likely address including the mosque at which they have been praying while away fighting, their mother’s name and any photographs.
For each of the fighters, an ID was created to ensure that each member country in the Interpol network could integrate the data with local databases.
Uansett listens verdi – det er ikke lett å identifisere potensielle terrorister:
US intelligence is apparently confident about the reliability of the sources used to compile the list. But western counter-terrorism forces have said they face an uphill struggle identifying potential suspects, who have access to a mountain of false documents, double identities and fake passports.
The Guardian: Interpol circulates list of 173 suspected members of Isis suicide brigade