Minnesmerket over deporterte jøder i Nanterres er tilgriset av slagord hvor landets jøder trues med et nytt Holocaust («shoah»). Antisemittisme pleier å dukke opp når arabere og nordafrikanere gjør opprør. Det er ikke nytt, men like forstemmende hver gang. Noen har ikke fått det med seg og blir sjokkert.



Under the motto of the memorial “For the martyrs of deportation” someone sprayed “police mob.” Next to it is “F**k le 17”, the title of a rap song in which the police are badly incited. In France, dial 17 to reach the Gendarmerie.

Another video posted to Twitter also shows a man attempting to light a French flag in front of the memorial.

Many observers are shocked that the rioters, many of them apparently with a Muslim background, chose a location for their vandalism that is supposed to commemorate the victims of the murder of the Jews. The European Jewish Congress tweeted: “It is truly horrific to see the memorial to the martyrs of the deportations in Nanterre vandalized. This is a shameless act that does not respect the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. He must be fully condemned and those responsible must be held accountable.”

Skulle de stilles til ansvar? Og hvem skulle gjøre dét? Det er lenge siden det var mulig i Frankrike.


France: Rioters threaten Jews with new Holocaust

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