Forsvarsminister Lloyd Austin har hatt sin første telefonsamtale med sin kinesiske motpart og det gikk ikke så bra, hvis vi skal tro kinesernes referat. Wei Fenghe ba USA holde opp med sine provokasjoner til havs og ikke bruke Ukraina til å sverte eller utpresse Kina.

Biden-regimet har ikke gitt noe referat, slik de heller ikke gjorde det da Biden hadde en lang samtale med Xi Jinping.

During the first official phone call between U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and his Chinese counterpart, Defense Minister Wei Fenghe, the Chinese official demanded the U.S. “stop conducting military provocations at sea.”

The Chinese side has published a readout of the conversation between Austin and Wei, in which Wei asserted that Taiwan is an “inalienable” part of China’s territory and that is a fact that cannot be changed. Wei said if issues with respect to Taiwan are not handled properly, it will undermine the working relationship between the U.S. and China and China will “resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.”

“China requires the U.S. to stop conducting military provocations at sea,” the Chinese side said. “And not to use the Ukraine issue to smear, frame or threaten China.”
Det er over ett år siden Austin tiltrådte. Han har forgjeves forsøkt å få kontakt med den høyest plasserte generalen i kommunistpartiet, uten å lykkes.
According to the Associated Press, Austin had tried for months to set up a call with Gen. Xu Qiliang — the highest-ranking uniformed officer in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) military structure — but the Chinese side insisted he speak instead with Wei.

China’s Top Military General Issues Demands to Biden’s Secretary of Defense Austin in First Call

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