En varsler flyktet til Sveits av frykt for reaksjoner fra Det hvite hus. Nå sier han til Daily Mail at han har tilgang til 450 gigabyte med slettet materiale fra Hunter Bidens mye omtalte laptop.

Materialet inkluderer 80.000 bilder og videoer.

The source who distributed Hunter Biden‘s laptop to congressmen and media has fled the US to Switzerland, saying he fears retaliation from the Biden administration.

Jack Maxey gave DailyMail.com a copy of the hard drive from Hunter’s abandoned laptop in the spring of 2021.

He also gave copies and material from it to the Washington Post, New York Times, and Senator Chuck Grassley in his role as ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee – but he claims they all sat on it for months.

I skjul i Zürich jobber Maxey nå med it-eksperter for å grave frem mer data fra «laptopen fra helvete». Han sier at alt skal publiseres i løpet av de neste ukene.

Noen av bildene viser litt av hvordan Hunter Biden bedriver tiden.

Skjermdump video

Maxey fikk tilgang til innholdet på Hunter-laptopen av Rudy Giuliani.

‘I came here so that we could do a forensic examination of Hunter’s laptop safely in a country that still respects human liberty and the ideals of liberal democratic principles,’ he told DailyMail.com.

‘I do not believe this would have been possible inside the United States. We had numerous attempts on us from trying to do things like this there.’

Etter at Maxey kontaktet Daily Mail i fjor, opplevde han at svarte SUV-er dukket opp utenfor hans hjem. En tidligere etterretningsoffiser han delte materialet med, fortalte at de mottok merkelige telefonsamtaler.

‘I showed this to a friend of mine in desperation in February [2021] because nobody would listen to me. No news organizations would take it. In fact, the very first major news organization to take it was the Daily Mail,’ he said.

‘Very dear friends of mine, the sharp tip of the spear, were making welfare calls to me every day, basically to see if I was still alive.’

Laptopen som kan forandre historien

Da Maxey publiserte diverse e-poster og andre filer fra Hunters laptop i oktober 2020, ble lenkene fjernet fra cyberspace innen en time.

Maxey mistenker myndighetene i USA for å stå bak.

‘There were five drop boxes: two in the United States, one in New Zealand, two in the UK. All the same drop boxes in which they tell us child pornography is shared around the globe without any consequence because they can’t look at it.

‘These are all Five Eyes countries, English speaking countries in an intelligence sharing agreement. And they were all ripped down.

‘​​So this means that our intelligence services, who still have not even acknowledged that they have Hunter Biden’s laptop, were obviously diligently doing cache searches across the internet to find out if any of this stuff was being released.

‘That should terrify every single decent person in the West.’

Daily Mail understreker at de ikke kan verifisere påstandene.

Maxey valgte Sveits som tilfluktssted. Han var tidligere tilknyttet Steve Bannons War Room. Maxey er svært kritisk til FBI, som han mener trenerte etterforskningen, noe som påvirket presidentvalget i 2020 og nesten må anses som forræderi mot den amerikanske befolkningen.

‘The FBI had this on the ninth of December 2019,’ he said. ‘I suppose the first person betrayed was a sitting US president in an impeachment hearing, when the FBI had the exculpatory evidence in their hands to have that end instantly, and they did nothing.

‘The second group of people to be betrayed were all of the Democratic candidates in the spring primaries that year,’ he added.

‘The American people were utterly betrayed, because I guarantee you that Joe Biden couldn’t run for dog catcher if the American people knew about this laptop.’

Daily Mail

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