Tyrkia importerer tusenvis av IS-krigere til Syria og Irak for at de skal bekjempe kurderne og tjene tyrkiske interesser, sier sikkerhetskilder til Breitbart. Menneskerettsgrupper som ivret for å hente IS-foreldre «hjem» har oversett muligheten for at de ville bli reaktivert.

Turkey has been working to bring thousands of Islamic State fighters to the region to launch campaigns in Iraq and Kurdish regions along the Syria-Iraq border, according to informed Middle Eastern defense officials. (..)

Turkey has been working to bring thousands of Islamic State fighters to the region to launch campaigns in Iraq and Kurdish regions along the Syria-Iraq border, according to informed Middle Eastern defense officials.

Storyen i Breitbart har dateline Tel Aviv og israelske tjenestemenn er neppe happy ved utsikten til en ny hellig krig.

The officials finger Turkish intelligence and military personnel as helping to facilitate a resurgence of IS to essentially work as proxies to attack Kurdish positions and pressure the West and regional actors into supporting Turkish interests in Syria. Some of the IS fighters are coming from camps inside Turkey where forces tied to Turkey have helped facilitate training, the officials said.

Turkey strongly opposes an independent Kurdish entity in Syria and has reportedly been pushing for control of a 20-mile deep buffer zone extending into northern Syria, arguing that only Turkey can ensure security in the area where Kurdish forces currently maintain autonomous zones. Any escalating clashes between IS and Kurdish forces could strengthen Turkey’s argument that only it can impose law and order in those zones.

However, the defense officials pointed out that it is Turkey that has been supporting extremists, especially dangerous Islamic fighters under the banner of IS.


EXCLUSIVE – Defense Sources: Turkey Aiding Islamic State Resurgence After Trump Devastated Caliphate

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