En politimann ble skadet i hodet da han deltok i en aksjon for å forsøke å spre en gruppe på 200 muslimer som hadde samlet seg for å feire id i London torsdag kveld.

Politisjef Stephen Clayman sa at de hadde mottatt meldinger fra mange mennesker som var bekymret over hvor stor gruppen var. Politiet har ikke noe ønske om å ødelegge feiringer, sa han, men når det blir voldelig, vil vi absolutt gripe inn:

‘While we accept that celebrations take place, and we have no desire to spoil them for the community, if they descend into violence we absolutely will step in.

‘A number of calls were received last night from concerned members of the public and while we appreciate this is a time of excitement and celebration for some, the sight and sound of such a large group was concerning and even distressing for others.

‘That this size of gathering has taken place during a pandemic is concerning. I remind all of our communities to respect each other and ensure that the government guidelines around social distancing are followed.

‘Following a work day of protecting the public, one of my officers has had to return home to his family with a head injury. This is beyond unacceptable and I would like to be very clear that anyone assaulting an officer in the course of his or her duty will be arrested and placed before the courts.’

A man was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer

Store deler av innvandrerområdene i Manchester og andre gamle industribyer nord i England, som Bradford, er tilbake under strenge lockdown-regler. Mohammed Ashrif Tahir Nushai, 84, en muslimsk leder i Bradford, innrømmet at det var mange i hans miljø som ikke tok koronaviruset alvorlig nok:

‘Sadly, there are people within our community who are not taking coronavirus seriously enough. Since the easing of the main lockdown, a lot of people have been visiting relatives and friends and attending events in each other’s homes with very little thought of keeping themselves safe.

‘We have been trying to get them to understand the message and take greater precautions but what can we do? Now, in Bradford we find ourselves in a very dangerous situation with coronavirus cases on the rise.’


Daily Mail

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