The Times reporter Anthony Lloyd har møtt Talibans ledere. Det er ikke noe ønske fra Taliban om å sitte i regjering med delt myndighet og ansvar, skriver han. Det Taliban ønsker er sharialover og et islamsk emirat. Og det sier de rett ut. Anthony Lloyd møtte Khalid Agha, en Taliban-leder med 200 krigere, bare ni dager etter at USA underskrev på en avtale med Taliban om å trekke seg ut av Afghanistan.

Khalid Agha gjorde det klart at de ikke hadde noen intensjoner om å dele makten med regjeringen i Kabul:

“We haven’t been shedding blood all these years with the intent of sharing power with the Kabul government,” the 30-year-old commander added, tapping his PK machine gun. “We fight for Sharia, for the Islamic Emirate, not to make deals with democrats in the time of our victory.”

Vi har kjempet for et islamsk emirat i 40 år, sa han. Vi er lei av det, men kjemper gjerne i 40 år til for å få etablert vår islamske stat med sharialover:

“It is 40 years we have been fighting now to establish an Islamic emirate, either as the Taliban or as the mujahidin,” Khalid Agha told me, as his Taliban bodyguards stood watch from the bouldered slope. “It is true we are sick of killing and dying. Who wouldn’t be? But if it takes another 40 years of fighting and killing to achieve what we fight for, then so be it.”

Avtalen med USA feires som en stor seier av Taliban. Endelig skal amerikanerne ut og dette vil brøyte vei for Taliban til å gjøre som de vil – overta landet.

“We have just defeated a superpower,” Khalid Agha smirked. “Once the Americans have gone it will be easy to sort out the Afghan government.”

“We have just defeated a superpower,” Khalid Agha smirked. “Once the Americans have gone it will be easy to sort out the Afghan government.”

Khalid Agha – foto: Anthony Lloyd

Khalid Agha sier at al-Qaeda og Taliban, samt den pakistanske delen av Taliban, har samme mål: å etablere et regionalt emirat.

“The aim of al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the TTP [Pakistani Taliban] is one and the same: to establish a regional emirate,” Khalid Agha, a Taliban field commander, said. “Al-Qaeda have been our brothers in jihad. We will not help them plot further attacks like 9/11, but we will not expel them either. Anyone who asks us to do so will face huge opposition within our movements.”

Haji Mir Mohammed Agha, en av de eldste talibanlederne (72 år), ler ved tanken på å forhandle med Kabul-regjeringen. Taliban slåss kompromisstløst for sharia, sier han:

“They are a dishonest and weak government. The Taliban are not fighting for power, or for a share of it. They are fighting for Sharia: that is not something on which you can compromise.”

“I am so happy to see the Americans go,” he boomed. “The infidels brought us nothing but pain and misery. For the second time in my life we have defeated a superpower! Those soldiers are lucky there is water between Afghanistan and their own shores, or the Taliban would chase them all the way back to America.”

The Times


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