Bilde: Hamas-ledelsen marsjerer i begravelsen til Mazen Fuqaha 24. mars i Gaza. Fra venstre Ismail Haniyeh og arvtakeren Yehya al-Sinwar i midten. Foto: Mohammed Salem/Reuters/Scanpix
Hamas har fått ny leder i Gaza og han tilhører hardlinerne. To menn ble henrettet foran øynene på 3.000 skuelystne torsdag, mistenkt for delaktighet i likvideringen av en annen Hamas-topp i mars.
Yeyhia al-Sinwar heter den nye lederen og den drepte var en nær venn.
The assassination of Mazen Fuqaha, a senior member of Hamas’s military wing, set off a brutal search for people accused of collaborating with Israel in the Gaza Strip. Some 45 people have been arrested since the killing.
Fuquha ble funnet med fem skudd gjennom hodet, sittende i bilen, etter å ha hentet familien på stranden. Kanskje visste de som drepte ham at Sinwar vill gå amok?
Two of the sentenced men were executed by hanging, a third by firing squad. The executions were carried out as a near-communal event, with nearly 3,000 people, from political and tribal factions, invited. Two hooded Hamas executioners manned the scaffolding.
Dette var ikke de første henrettelsene:
Amid a general crackdown, Hamas executed three people in March for collaboration, though their alleged crimes were not related to Mr. Fuqaha’s death. Hamas has recently changed leadership both at the head of the group and in the Gaza Strip, which it governs.
At Hamas styres av en hardliner sier noe om hvor lettantennelig situasjonen er sør for grensen.
Israel har infiltrert Gaza og Vestbredden og Sinwar er fast bestemt på finne informantene. Det kan bli kostbart.
Mr. Fuqaha, who was 38 and originally from the West Bank, was close to the new leader of Hamas in Gaza: Yehya Sinwar, a hard-liner who has been especially concerned with betrayal within Hamas and cooperation with Israel. The two men reportedly shared a jail cell for a year in Israeli prison. Both were released in 2011.®ion=Footer&module=MoreInSection&version=WhatsNext&contentID=WhatsNext&pgtype=article