A total of 13 Spanish Civil Guards were injured on Wednesday in Melilla after two migrant mobs numbering between 400 and 100 attempted to violently storm the border. Between the start of January and mid-December of this year, Spain has seen over 37,000 migrants enter the country illegally, while Moroccan authorities have claimed to have prevented another 11,000 from crossing the border.(Breitbart) A group of Migrants celebrate at a migrant processing center in Melilla, Spain, Thursday July 22, 2021. Authorities in Spain’s autonomous city of Melilla say that 238 African men have made it to the Northern African Spanish enclave after climbing over fences separating it from Morocco. Sub-Saharan migrants fleeing poverty or violence regularly attempt to trespass the 12-kilometer-long (7.4-miles) border in Melilla and in Spain’s other enclave in the northern African coast, Ceuta, as a stepping stone to reach the European continent. (Europa Press via AP/NTB

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