Det skytes nå raketter fra Libanon mot Israel. Ifølge libanesiske kilder kommer rakettene fra en palestinsk leir. Det kan bety at Hizbollah ikke står bak, men potensialet for en dramatisk eskalering er der.

Skulle Israel bli engasjert i en tofrontskrig, snakker vi om et helt annet scenario enn angrepene fra Gaza.

Samtidig meldes det at konflikten mellom arabere og jøder fortsetter i byen Lod. Situasjonen virker ute av kontroll.

A synagogue has reportedly been torched in Lod, as police again fail to contain raging riots in the central Israel city.

More people — Jews, Arabs and police officers — have been injured in widespread clashes in the city and other Jewish-Arab cities.

Israelske medier kommer med alarmerende meldinger om israelere som ved en feiltakelse havner i arabiske byer og blir angrepet.

A Jewish family has been attacked by Arab rioters in Umm al-Fahm after entering the Arab city by accident, Hebrew media reports, as riots continue in many cities around the country.

Police rescued the couple and three young children, along with the help of local civilians.

They all sustained mild injuries.

Umm al-Fahm er beryktet for å være tilholdssted for islamister. Det er her bevegelsen Islamic Movement of Israel holder til.

Det kommer alarmerende meldinger som soldater som blir angrepet og politi som blir skutt av arabere.

A police officer has reportedly been injured from gunfire by Arab rioters at a junction in Ramle, as violence intensifies in several Jewish-Arab cities.

Earlier, a 19-year-old soldier was seriously injured in Jaffa after being beaten, and two men were wounded in Lod. Additionally, far-right rioters attacked journalists from the Kan public broadcaster in south Tel Aviv.

Høyreorienterte angrep en kameramann fra Kan.

Footage from southern Tel Aviv shows journalists from the Kan public broadcaster being attacked and beaten by several far-right rioters.

Reporter Yoav Zehavi has been beaten and has been taken to the hospital, while cameraman Roland Novitzky had his camera taken away.

The attacker has reportedly been arrested.

Hamas publiserte en reklamefilm av raketten som traff Ramon-flyplassen utenfor Eilat torsdag. Det er 25 mil unna. Raketten er oppkalt etter ingeniøren som var ekspert på bomber, Yahya Ayyash.

USAs utenriksminister Tony Blinken var spesielt bekymret over volden mellom arabere og jøder. Blinken er selv jødisk.

En nødhjelpsmedarbeider ble angrepet av arabere i Lod og alvorlig såret. At det fremdeles strømmer på med slike historier, er dypt foruroligende.

In Lod, a Jewish paramedic has reportedly been shot and is in serious condition, reports say.

Forsvarsminister Benny Gantz innkaller 9000 mann fra reserven. Gantz er en dreven sikkerhetsoffiser.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz gives the military approval to call up to 9,000 reservists as needed, in light of the ongoing fighting with terror groups in the Gaza Strip, his office says.

The reservists would come from combat units and command center operators, to serve in the Southern Command, Central Command, and Northern Command, so that soldiers regularly stationed there could be sent on other missions, his office says.

Snart uten strøm

Hamas setter i gang krig mot naboen i nord, og er helt avhengig av Israel for å drive generatorene. Det er en helt syk situasjon, og ingen normal myndighet ville gå til krig i en slik situasjon.

The Gaza Strip will run out of fuel for its electricity generators by Sunday, an Israeli defense official tells reporters.

According to the official, who is speaking on condition of anonymity, Gaza is down to having just five hours of electricity per day, after having 16 hours per day on average before the fighting.

Some of this is due to Israel shutting down the Kerem Shalom Crossing, which is normally used to send fuel into Gaza, and some of this is because rockets fired by terrorists in the enclave struck some of the power lines into the Strip near the city of Rafah.

According to the official, three of the four turbines that normally run in Hamas’s power plant are currently out of service as a result of the fuel shortage.
Gaza’s water supply has also been affected by the power cuts, limiting the amount of running water in the Strip to once every two days, the official says.


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