Saudi-Arabias ambassade i Washington. Foto: Reuters / Brendan McDermid / NTB Scanpix

FBI har identifisert enda en saudi-arabisk diplomat som mistenkes for å ha hatt forbindelser til terroristene bak 9/11 i 2001. Dokumentene bekrefter amerikanske myndigheters mistanke om at ansatte ved Saudi-Arabias ambassade i Washington var involvert i terroraksjonen.

I forbindelse med rettssaken etterkommerne etter 9/11 har anlagt mot Saudi-Arabia, har FBI unnlatt å sladde et av navnene på en av de ansatte ved ambassaden, Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah. Amerikanske myndigheter hevder han i årene 1999-2000 var ansvarlig for hjelp og bistand til to al-Qaeda-terrorister som slo seg ned i USA i påvente av angrepet 9/11. Dette skriver The Telegraph.

Mr Jarrah was assigned to Saudi Arabia’s Washington embassy from 1999-2000 in Washington DC, and the US authorities believe that he oversaw assistance given to two al-Qaeda terrorists as they settled in the US before the attack.

The two al-Qaeda members, Khalid Al-Mihdhar and Nawaf Al-Hazmi, went on to hijack an American Airlines plane and kill 125 people after crashing into the Pentagon building.

It is the first time that the FBI has publicly confirmed that it suspects a link between the Saudi embassy in Washington and the September 11 hijackers.

The court document was filed by Jill Sanborn, the assistant director of the FBI’s counterterrorism division, and was alluding to findings in a heavily redacted FBI report when it mentioned Mr Jarrah.

The 2012 report identified two other Saudi men, Fahad al-Thumairy and Omar al-Bayoumi, who were suspected of assisting the hijackers, but it did not name Mr Jarrah, whom the FBI suspects was the “the third man» involved.

Saudi-arabiske myndigheter benekter anklagene, men faktum er at 15 av de 19 terroristene delaktig i 9/11 var saudi-arabiske statsborgere.

Amerikanske myndigheter har utad vært svært nøye med å sladde informasjon knyttet til rettssaken etterkommerne etter 9/11 står bak, og hevder at frislipp av informasjon kan true USAs sikkerhet. Men det kan også være et spill for galleriet og et ledd i å legge press på Saudi-Arabia.

«In fact, both Attorney General William Barr and the Acting Director of the National Intelligence Richard Grennell had filed motions with the court saying that any information relating to the Saudi embassy official and all internal FBI documents about this matter were so sensitive; they were state secrets, that means if revealed they could cause damage to the national security.»A former FBI agent who worked at the agency at the time of the 9/11 attacks speculated whether the inclusion of the name was done mistakenly.»It could be or it may be intentional to apply some pressure,» the agent, who did not wish to be named, told The Telegraph. «From having worked with the FBI, documents like that are very, very carefully reviewed before they are released and a big slip up like this one raises some flags.»

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