Hassan Nasrallah holder en videooverført tale den 3. november 2023. Foto: Al Manar TV via AP / NTB.

Hizbollah-leder Hassan Nasrallah hyllet Hamas og deres «martyrer», og langet i kjent stil ut med trusler mot Israel i sin første tale siden Hamas-terroren 7. oktober, men kunngjorde ingen planer om å trappe opp den libanesiske terror­organisasjonens aksjoner mot Israel.

Nasrallah signaliserte at Hizbollah allerede deltar i krigen som Hamas utløste med sitt angrep, går det frem av et fyldig referat av talen i Times of Israel.

“Some claim Hezbollah is about to join the fray. I tell you: We have been engaged in this battle since October 8,” he said.

Hizbollah har lenge ført en lavintensitetskrig ved Israels nordgrense, og vil fortsette med det:

“Some would like Hezbollah to engage in an all-out war, but I can tell you: What is happening now along the Israeli-Lebanese border is significant, and it is not the end.”

Dette hjelper Hamas ved å distrahere og trette ut Israel, mener Nasrallah:

In his speech, Nasrallah boasted that Hezbollah’s military actions on the border had drawn IDF forces away from the war against Hamas.

“Our operations on the border have forced the IDF to divert forces, weapons and equipment from Gaza and the West Bank to the Lebanese front. One-third of the IDF is now amassed on our border,” he claimed.

Samtidig advarte Hizbollah-lederen mot eskalering fra Israels side:

Nasrallah cautioned Israel against launching a preemptive offensive: “I tell the Israelis, if you are considering carrying out a preemptive attack against Lebanon, it will be the most foolish mistake you make in your entire existence.”

Nasrallah sa han ikke hadde visst om Hamas’ angrepsplaner:

He said he had not known in advance about Hamas’s October 7 plans, and neither had Iran, indicating that Hezbollah was not integral to the onslaught.

Han fremstilte videre Israel som et svakt land som trenger USAs støtte:

The Hezbollah chief referenced his own past statements that the Israeli nation was as weak and as fleeting as a spider’s web, saying this time that it was even “weaker” than that.

“It needs American and Western support,” he asserted. “Otherwise, why would the US navy send an aircraft carrier shortly after the October 7 attack? Why else would Biden visit Israel, alongside numerous American government secretaries, the military top brass and European leaders?”

Nasrallah synes å spille sine kort varsomt med sikte på å unngå at Israel går til et motangrep på Hizbollah med samme kraft som mot Hamas.


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