Mannen som torsdag gikk amok med en kniv på the Strip i Las Vegas var en illegal innvandrer, opplyser Yoni Barrios knivstakk åtte, hvorav to døde. Han risikerer dødsstraff.

Yoni Barrios, 32, was booked into the Clark County Detention Center on two counts of open murder with a deadly weapon and six counts of attempted murder with a deadly weapon in connection with the incident Thursday near the Wynn casino.@

Amerikanske storbyer blir mer og mer preget av kriminalitet og dette vil også prege turisttrafikken hvis det får fortsette.I

In total eight people were stabbed, two who  later died. The victims included an entertainer, local residents and tourists, officials said.


Maris Mareen DiGiovanni,(30)  a victim of the Las Vegas Strip stabbing on Thursday.

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