Kinas president Xi Jinping holder sin tale under BRICS Business Forum den 22. juni 2022. Foto: Ju Peng / Xinhua via AP / NTB.

Sanksjoner og politisering av verdens­økonomien er en boomerang som ender med å ramme egne interesser, sa Kinas president Xi Jinping onsdag med dårlig skjult adresse til Vestens sanksjoner mot Russland på grunn av Ukraina-krigen.

Det var i en tale til BRICS Business Forum – et møte mellom Brasil, Russland, India, Kina og Sør-Afrika – at den kinesiske presidenten i virkeligheten erklærte sin solidaritet med Russland, og oppfordret til å vende tilbake til globaliseringen slik verden kjente den,

At this critical juncture, tiding over difficulties together and pursuing cooperation is the only way for us to forestall an economic crisis. We should come together with a united purpose and strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination to prevent the slowdown and even halt of the global recovery.

avstå fra sanksjoner

Major developed countries should adopt responsible economic policies and avoid negative policy spillovers that may take a heavy toll on developing countries. It has been proved time and again that sanctions are a boomerang and a double-edged sword.

og ikke forsøke å bruke penge- og finanssystemet som et våpen:

To politicize the global economy and turn it into one’s tool or weapon, and willfully impose sanctions by using one’s primary position in the international financial and monetary systems will only end up hurting one’s own interests as well as those of others, and inflict suffering on everyone.

Xi Jinping antydet i praksis at Vesten ikke må tro seg overlegen:

The Ukraine crisis is another wake-up call for all in the world. It reminds us that blind faith in the so-called «position of strength» and attempts to expand military alliances and seek one’s own security at the expense of others will only land oneself in a security dilemma.

Beijing har gjentatte ganger klandret USA og NATO for å ha fremprovosert Russlands aggresjon mot Ukraina, skriver CNN.

Under møtet sa den russiske president Vladimir Putin at Russland vil handle mer med de andre BRICS-landene:

In his own video address at Wednesday’s event, Putin said Russia was «redirecting» its trade flows to BRICS countries and other «reliable international partners,» according to a Kremlin transcript.

Putin antydet også at organisasjonen vil se på alternativer til dollaren i internasjonal handel:

Putin raised this possibility in his Wednesday remarks, saying that BRICS partners were «developing reliable alternative mechanisms for international settlements» and «exploring the possibility of creating an international reserve currency based on the basket of BRICS currencies.»

Noen tilslutning fra de andre landene fikk han imidlertid ikke på dette punktet.

But how wholeheartedly the entire bloc will embrace major initiatives like a shift from the dollar system or sweeping statements decrying Western sanctions at Thursday’s summit remains to be seen.

De andre BRICS-landene ser ut til å etterstrebe en slags balanse i Ukraina-konflikten for ikke å ergre Vesten:

While each of the BRICS leaders has avoided condemning Russia outright, they hold varying levels of interest in not being seen to endorse its actions or work too closely with Russia — and run foul of Western friends.

Indias statsminister Narendra Modi, Sør-Afrikas president Cyril Ramaphosa og Brasils president Jair Bolsonaro snakket da også om andre ting i sine taler, melder CNN.


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