Joe Biden måtte tirsdag bite i det sure eplet og trekke tilbake nominasjonen av Saule Omarova som kontrollinstans med bankene. Det skjedde etter en rekke oppsiktsvekkende uttalelser som tydet på at utdannelsen i det tidligere Sovjetunionen ikke har gått ubemerket hen. Omarova ville nasjonalisere bankene og slå oljeselskapene konkurs.

Biden skyldte på kritikerne.

«Saule would have brought invaluable insight and perspective to our important work on behalf of the American people,» Biden said in a statement Tuesday. «But unfortunately, from the very beginning of her nomination, Saule was subjected to inappropriate personal attacks that were far beyond the pale.»

Men flere representanter sa det var hennes ideer som felte henne.

«I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more radical choice for any regulatory spot in our federal government,» Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., said during an October speech opposing her confirmation.

«You could ask yourself, ‘Where would a person even come up with these ideas?'» he continued. «Well, maybe a contributing factor could be in if a person grew up in the former Soviet Union, and went to Moscow State University, and attended there on a Vladimir Lenin Academic Scholarship.»

Biden ville ikke innrømme at de politiske omkostningene ble for høye:

«I nominated Saule because of her deep expertise in financial regulation and her long-standing, respected career in the private sector, the public sector, and as a leading academic in the field,» Biden said. «She has lived the American dream, escaping her birthplace in the former Soviet Union and immigrating to America, where she went on to serve in the Treasury Department under President George W. Bush and now works as a professor at Cornell Law School.»


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