Bildet viser et vakttårn på en interneringsleir utenfor Hotan, 31.mai 2019.  Beijing kaller det utdanningsskoler. Foto: Greg Baker/AFP/Scanpix

President Trump undertegnet onsdag den første lov i som spesifikt forsøker å beskytte uigurene i Xinjang-provinsen mot kinesisk undertrykkelse.

Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act truer tjenestemenn som deltar i undertrykkelsen med straff.

En regner med at to millioner uigurer sitter i interneringsleire. Beijing er fast bestemt på å knekke deres vilje og driver en brutal assimileringspolitikk.

Global authorities believe that the Communist Party began building concentration camps for Uyghurs and other Muslim minority members, like Kazakhs and Kyrgyz people, in 2017, flooding them with as many as 3 million people. As of April, American observers believe that 2 million prisoners remain in the camps. (..)

Mennene sendes i konsentrasjonsleire og Han-kinesere flytter inn i husene deres og overtar kvinnene. Minnesmerker rives og steder for nye navn, alt for at uigurenes røtter skal rykkes opp.

Among those policies are the banning of Islamic names, prohibitions against wearing Islamic garb in public, and flooding mosques with communist propaganda. More intense attempts at eradicating Uyghur culture include the destruction of generations of monuments in Uyghur cemeteries and forcing Han “relatives” to live in Uyghur homes and sleep in the beds of Uyghur women whose husbands have been taken away to concentration camps.

Verden har vært merkelig bortvendt i forhold til uigurenes skjebne. Det er ikke unaturlig å tro at det skyldes Kinas voksende makt.

“This is the first bill in the history of the Uyghur people being put in place to protect their political, social, and religious rights,” Nury Turkel, a Uyghur-American attorney and member of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), saidfollowing its signing. “It’s particularly significant in light of the fact that it received bipartisan and bicameral support, showing that the American people and the U.S. government are seriously concerned about the Uyghur crisis, entering its third year.”

Trump-administrasjonen har gjort religionsfrihet til en merkesak.

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