Episode 1,156 – Manually Manipulated Ballots Uncovered

[arve url=»https://rumble.com/embed/viavpw/?pub=7qe73″ loop=»no» muted=»no» /]

Our guests are: Natalie Winters, Cindy Chaufin, Rudy Giuliani, John Solomon, Joey Correnti IV

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Aired On: 08/09/2021


Episode 1,157 – To The Democrat Infrastructure Bill «They’ve Been Caught»

[arve url=»https://rumble.com/embed/viawro/?pub=7qe73″ loop=»no» muted=»no» /]

Breaking news Fauci’s wife plays a critical role in deadly research.

Our guests are: Natalie Winters, Darren Beattie, Mike Lindell

Stay ahead of the censors – Join us warroom.org/join

Aired On: 08/09/2021


Episode 1,158 – The Eve Of Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium

[arve url=»https://rumble.com/embed/vib3vi/?pub=7qe73″ loop=»no» muted=»no» /]

Our guests are: Natalie Winters, Raheem Kassam, Peter Navarro, John Fredericks, Boris Epshteyn, Joe Allen

Stay ahead of the censors – Join us warroom.org/join

Aired On: 08/09/2021


Episode 1,159 – Live From The Symposium

[arve url=»https://rumble.com/embed/vicc1f/?pub=7qe73″ loop=»no» muted=»no» /]

Mike Lindell opens the Cyber Symposium with a bang.

Our guests are: Natalie Winters, Mike Lindell

Stay ahead of the censors – Join us warroom.org/join

Aired On: 08/10/2021


Episode 1,160 – Live From The Symposium

[arve url=»https://rumble.com/embed/vicdks/?pub=7qe73″ loop=»no» muted=»no» /]

Our guests are: Natalie Winters, Mike Lindell

Stay ahead of the censors – Join us warroom.org/join

Aired On: 08/10/2021


(Episode 1161 og 1162 mangler på Rumble. Gå til denne siden for å høre de.)


Episode 1,163 – The Receipts Are Being Shown

[arve url=»https://rumble.com/embed/vie89w/?pub=7qe73″ loop=»no» muted=»no» /]

Mike Lindell continues the Cyber Symposium by bringing on surprise guests.

Our guests is: Mike Lindell

Stay ahead of the censors – Join us warroom.org/join

Aired On: 08/11/2021


Episode 1,164 – The Receipts Are Being Shown

[arve url=»https://rumble.com/embed/vie97f/?pub=7qe73″ loop=»no» muted=»no» /]

Mike Lindell continues the Cyber Symposium by bringing on surprise guests.

Our guests are: Mike Lindell, Jim Lamon, Seth Keshel, Kari Lake, David Zere

Stay ahead of the censors – Join us warroom.org/join

Aired On: 08/11/2021


Episode 1,165 – The Symposium Continues

[arve url=»https://rumble.com/embed/vien2j/?pub=7qe73″ loop=»no» muted=»no» /]

Mike Lindell continues the Cyber Symposium by bringing on Seth Keshel With Receipts

Our guests are: Mike Lindell, David Clements, Seth Keshel, Joe Oltmann

Stay ahead of the censors – Join us warroom.org/join

Aired On: 08/11/2021


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On Podcast: http://warroom.ctcin.bio
On TV: PlutoTV Channel 240, Dish Channel 219, Roku, Apple TV, FireTV
or on https://AmericasVoice.news. #news #politics #realnews

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