Føderale myndigheter gikk fredag inn og stengte Silicon Valley Bank etter at kursen hadde falt 60 prosent. Det utløste panikk både hos kundene og i markedet for bankaksjer. Konkursen er den største siden 2008.

Silicon Valley Bank var som navnet tilsier et tilbud til firmaer knyttet til Silicon Valley. Det går dårligere for Big Tech.

The bank is the 16th largest in the U.S., with some $209 billion in assets as of Dec. 31, according to the Federal Reserve. It is by far the biggest bank to fail since the near collapse of the financial system in 2008, second only to the crisis-era collapse of Washington Mutual Inc.

Amerikansk økonomi er ikke robust. Den har underliggende problemer som gjør markedene nervøse.

The bank’s troubles have dragged down the entire industry. The four largest U.S. banks lost some $52 billion in market value Thursday, and a broader index of bank stocks had its worst day in nearly three years. Bank stocks continue to plunge Friday, with a number halted for volatility.


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