Republikaneren Matt Waltz (R-Fl) ble i helgen informert om at det var flere kinesiske ballonger over USA under Trump. Men Trump ble ikke informert fordi forsvarsminister Mattis ikke anså ham for å være helt tilregnelig.

Det å tilbakeholde vital sikkerhetsinformasjon fra landets øverstkommanderende er ensbetydende med forræderi.

Rep. Waltz said that General Mattis was Secretary of Defense at the time and decided not to inform President Trump because the Pentagon thought Trump was “too provocative and aggressive!”

Det er et enestående tilfelle av selvtekt og kan fremdeles lande Mattis i trøbbel. Var det slik å forstå at kineserne kunne spionere uhindret?

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL): My office has been briefed by the office of the Secretary of Defense of the current Pentagon that it happened over Florida, it happened over Texas, and that it’s happened before. We have more detailed questions but what is unclear, Stuart, at this point is, did the Pentagon under the Trump Administration brief the Trump White House and give them the option to take action or did they decide not to brief them for whatever reason? And there is some speculation, I talked to Trump administration officials over the weekend, that the Pentagon deliberately did it because they thought Trump would be too provocative and too aggressive. So that’s what we need to get to the bottom of and one person that I’m waiting to hear from that we haven’t heard from that list is former Secretary of Defense, General Mattis who was the secretary during this time period. What did he know and what did he decide to pass on and brief to the president.

Hvis militære kan bestemme hva de kan si og hva de ikke kan si til den sivile ledelsen, har de sjaltet ut den demokratiske prosessen og stilt seg over grunnloven.

Enten spinner Biden-regimet en historie for å fordele skylden mellom Trump og Biden. Eller så er de militære troløse.


UPDATE… Rep. Waltz Says DOD Told Him China Spy Balloons Crossed US During Trump Years But Gen. Mattis DID NOT TELL TRUMP – Mattis Responds (VIDEO)


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