“Death in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration”. «If they want to have peace, they have to accept to be governed by Islam.» Abu Bakar Bashir, åndelig leder for Jemaah Islamiyah. timesonline telegraph
Les mer»Unnfallenhet: – De intellektuelle liberale har veket tilbake for å ta en debatt om de uheldige sidene ved innvandring og integrering, eller kritisere de sidene ved islam som er uakseptable. De hadde da måttet delta i debatten som høyrepopulistene startet. … – Det er jo de tradisjonelle sosialdemokratiske velgerne som fryktet at de skulle miste […]
Les mer»Høstferien står for døren. Undertegnede vil befinne seg på sørligere breddegrader, men har med maskinen og håper å kunne jobbe, men kanskje ikke i samme tempo.
Les mer»Mohammad al-Durra saken er rystende. Jeg trodde det var snakk om israelsk apologi. Men saken er langt mer omfattende. Flere har arbeidet på den, og spørsmålene som reises virker velbegrunnede. At slikt kan skje i Frankrike overrasker ikke. Det var akkurat slik franske militære opptrådte i Bosnia. Jeg opplevde det selv i Sarajevo. Franskmenn på […]
Les mer»Abu Ghraib pictures to be published: Saying the US «does not surrender to blackmail,» a judge in New York ruled that pictures of detainee abuse at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison must be released over government claims that they could damage America’s image. US District Judge Alvin Hellerstein ordered the release of certain pictures in a […]
Les mer»Irak-kristne: The entire lay leadership team of the 2_kommentar Anglican church in Iraq is presumed to have been killed after they were attacked while returning from a conference in Jordan. timesonline
Les mer»Beirut – Lebanese police on Tuesday arrested eight employees of the country’s 2_kommentar private mobile telephone company in connection with the U.N.-led investigation into the February 14 killing of former prime minister Rafik Hariri, security sources told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. The arrests are linked to mobile telephone numbers sold prior to Hariri’s killing and disconnected […]
Les mer»BELGRADE, Sept 27 – Serbia has proposed a former confidant of top war crimes fugitive Ratko Mladic as the new Defence Minister of Serbia and Montenegro, raising speculation that it is looking for ways to induce his surrender. General Zoran Stankovic, a pathologist and former director of the Belgrade military hospital, developed a close relationship […]
Les mer»PARIS, Sept 26 – France wants to put closed circuit cameras on more of its streets as part of new anti-terror plans unveiled on Monday just hours after police detained nine suspected Islamic militants. Mobile phone operators and Internet cafe owners will also be required to keep records of users and calls under a proposed […]
Les mer»TEHRAN, Iran – Iran broadened its threats Tuesday over a move to refer it to the U.N. Security Council, saying that unless the U.N. atomic watchdog agency backs down, it will resume uranium enrichment, block inspections of its nuclear facilities, and cut trade with countries that supported the resolution. In another move that suggests a […]
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